A few weeks ago, I started a new personal challenge.
Lose 10 pounds of fat in 4 weeks.
Losing fat has always been tough for me… my body gets set at a certain weight and fights like hell to stay there.
When I lost 40 pounds, the process took years…
… it’s true, and the slow process helped shape my determination and discipline.
Fortunately, the battle to lose that 40 pounds created an unstoppable belief in myself when it comes to transformation.
After 6-months of experimenting with different types of workouts (to build strength and muscle for golf performance), I found myself a bit pudgy around the waist line.
Out of this pudge was born the 10 in 4 challenge.
I posted the challenge online on Facebook and was immediately joined by many others in the same quest. Holding yourself accountable to 25,000 people could be overwhelming.
Instead, I’m using it as motivation to up my game to a new level.
As we enter week 3, I find my losses starting to slow. My body is fighting back.
So here’s what I am doing to change the game in my favor, and I encourage you to join by committing to at least ONE change…
Here’s my exact plan. For the next two weeks, my diet will be depleted of:
– dairy
– gluten
– diet soda/soda
– starbucks (oh sh*t!)
– alcohol
– ALL supplements (this includes no fish oil, vitamin C, whey protein, energy bars)
[————STAY TUNED————-]
Tomorrow I’ll be back with the BEST printable grocery list to get us through the next two weeks. This is the actual list I used when preparing for this last two week phase.
[————/STAY TUNED————-]Most of these won’t be super hard for me, simply because I’ve eliminated them in the past (dairy, soda’s).
Removing Starbucks will be more difficult for me because I go crazy over the Iced White Chocolate Mocha (there’s a bit of dairy in these sugary drinks).
As for removing alcohol from my diet, I’m not a big drinker… I occasionally enjoy a scotch (The Macallan), but that’s every two or three weeks.
Remember, I’m not asking you to do EXACTLY what I am doing.
I’m just asking you that you choose to remove one bad habit from your diet. It could be soda, Starbucks, gluten, dairy, or whatever you feel is stopping you on your path to losing more pounds.
You might give up french fries, alcohol, or Oreo’s (those bastards made ice cream flavored Oreo’s that are really hard for me to walk past in the grocery). It doesn’t matter what it is, identify one thing, eliminate it for the next two weeks.
So what will it be? Tell me on our Facebook page here.
Remember, this is an experiment. It’s a chance to test and track the changes in our body so that we learn more about how certain foods affect us. The goal is to be healthy, enjoy golf more, and spread the word to others when we lead by example.
This is what normal people don’t do.
Normal people eat and live re-actively, grabbing a hot dog from 7-11 without thinking what is going in to them.
But with the 10 in 4 Challenge, we are becoming PRO-active…
… using logic to battle cravings and bad choices.
… we will become healthier, skinnier, and better golfers.
Good luck in whatever you choose.
Mixing a healthier diet along with a proven workout can expedite your results.
Until midnight on Friday, July 12th, you can get 50% off Shed Pounds to Shave Strokes – and accelerate your progress.
–> Mix diet and Shed Pounds to Shave Strokes for better results
–> Mix diet with golf specific workouts for the perfect golf fitness cocktail
Christian Henning, NASM-CPT, gfs, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS – Tomorrow, I’ll be back with the BEST grocery list to get us through the next two weeks.