“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.” – Mark Twain
Starting a new workout, taking golf lessons (everyone needs to be doing this by the way if you can afford it), starting a new business, moving across the country for your dream job.
What have you always wanted to do, but have been reluctant to do? My challenge has been anything to do with water… not a fan.
The times we push ourselves past our comfort zones is when we grow as a person.
Yesterday, my son wanted to go snorkeling here in La Jolla. To be honest, I’m not a water person. It’s cold, dark, and full of things swimming around you can’t see.
I decided what the hell… let’s go… I need to conquer this disdain (fear) of water.
We arrived at the snorkeling place early in the morning before I had too much time to think it over. We got fitted for our wetsuits, masks and snorkels and walked down to the cove.
The instructor was very direct and didn’t give a lot of instructions.
“Can you swim?”, she asked.
“Barely”, I responded.
She kind of laughed and off we went. At first, I was absolutely terrified. I’ve never been snorkeling before and wasn’t sure if I would sink like a rock to the bottom.
La Jolla Cove is pretty calm for the most part. However, the water is kind of dark and filled with a lot of grass. It’s really hard to see anything unless you get out to deeper waters.
As I worked my way out, my son was leading the way. He had absolutely no fear at all. He was diving down and really enjoying the experience.
Fortunately, I was able to relax after a few minutes and really enjoyed it.
The thing I enjoyed most though, taking action.
The satisfaction I felt of conquering this challenge was huge (no matter how small it was). Even this morning as I write this, I grin thinking about it.
Today, I challenge you to pick one thing that you have been facing resistance with.
1. Write down the task or challenge.
2. Write one immediate step (today) that you can take.
3. Take action and perform #2 without any over-thinking.
It can be as simple as calling the skydive place and setting up your time, or as simple as getting in the car and driving to the gym…
Don’t over-complicate things… simply begin.
Think about it later… after you are done.
Christian Henning, NASM-CPT, gfs, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
P.S. CBNO means “Challenging but Not Overwhelming”. Break down your challenges in to small easy to complete tasks. Then begin.