My Core Principles of Golf Fitness
When I design a golf fitness program, it is based on a set of criteria. The criteria has been developed and tweaked over a span of three decades. Originally, I began in the 1980’s using the information at hand… which was minimal at best. I would read bodybuilding, football, tennis, and other fitness guides. You […]
When You Want Change, It Must Come From Within
Just the other day, the Final Four match-up between Kentucky and Wisconsin took place…. and WOW! What a great game… Wisconsin knocked off the favorite by ten miles, Kentucky… … and while I’m not a big college basketball fan, it struck me as something remarkable… the unbeatable being taken down by a team given zero […]
How to Assess, Plan, and Set Goals for Lower Scores
The goal of this article / podcast is to help you lower your score in the shortest amount of time without spending a fortune on lessons, clubs, or gimmicks.
Challenge: Plan Your Single Digit Road Map
Like achieving anything in life, mindset plays an important role in whether you succeed or fail. Too many times, I’ve set off on goals that seem unrealistic or unachievable. I doomed myself from the start by thinking this way. I felt like I bit off more than I could chew. In the past, I used […]
Challenge: Develop a Better Posture (and more consistency)
Bad posture will cause pulls, slices, tops, fat shots, embarrassment, and a loss of cash from your wallet. Bad posture ruins consistency, power, accuracy, and can even cause you back pain.
You’re an incredible slouch Judge (and how fix it)
Judge Smails was an incredible slouch and a lousy golfer... just ask Danny Noonan.
How to Become a ‘clutch’ Putter (and a video game)
I want to be absolutely sure that I am judging my stroke, alignment, and grip without any other factors that can affect the ball.