Happy Monday.
Monday Mentality that is. 😉
I hope you enjoyed the long weekend (to those of you here in the US) and were able to spend time with your friends and family. More importantly, I hope you PLAYED golf.
Even though I was super busy, I was able to fit in a couple of awesome workouts (Shed Pounds to Shave Strokes style).
Pretty critical considering all of the 4th of July food I was throwing down. 😉
How about YOU?
I wasn’t able to make it to the course, but I did get in some serious chipping practice. I sat out a kettlebell on the floor and tried hopping the ball through the handle. I actually got pretty good at it.
Good times, but now it’s time to re-focus and get back on course.
I always find it hard to come back after a holiday weekend.
Or if not a holiday, a short vacation or trip from straying off course a few days.
Whatever the situation, when most people get thrown off from their normal routine, they feel as if they have failed.
Feeling like they failed, they throw in the towel.
Quitting is the absolute LAST thing you ever want to consider or even think about doing.
If you find yourself in a similar situation TODAY, I know it can seem damn hard to get back on track. I’ve been there many times, but WE don’t QUIT.
Getting myself pointed in the right direction, I often think of myself as a MISSILE.
Heat-Seeking, Laser Guided, Course Correcting, Target Destroying.
Relentless until the mission is accomplished.
So what the hell does a missile have to do with you or anything else besides destroying a target?
Well, if you think about it, a missile is the ultimate goal setter and finisher…
… a missile identifies a target and takes IMMEDIATE action…
– Target is identified
– Missile is locked on to target
– Missile is FIRED @ target
– Missile corrects course as needed (to stay on target)
– Missile hits target
Think of it like this…
First, the target is YOUR GOAL.
Without a target, you have nothing to aim for and if you have nothing to aim for, you’ll fly around all over the place and never accomplish anything.
Once you’ve locked onto a target, you then relentlessly ATTACK this target by TAKING ACTION.
Taking action is like pressing the big red launch button.
Not taking action leaves this powerful tool (your body) on the launch pad.
Again, that’s pretty useless.
Rarely does a missile fly straight to the target…
… course correction is needed as the target moves. Quite simply, you must be flexible.
Just like this past 4th of July, maybe you hit some turbulence.
That’s OK.
We can correct course today, and stay on track until we HIT our TARGET.
Unlike a missile, you don’t get destroyed once you hit your target. Instead, you get STRONGER.
Like a missile though, you need a solid plan you can follow to hit your target.
CBNO (Challenging but Not Overwhelming)!
Christian Henning, NASM-CPT, gfs, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
P.S. Tomorrow I will be offering Shed Pounds to Shave Strokes at a substantial discount to get you back on track. Be sure to check your mail TOMORROW MORNING for the special link.