All of us are “busy.”
Recently, I’ve heard from some potential clients who asked how long the workouts take and that they think they might be too busy to spend the amount of time it takes to force a change within their bodies, and their minds.
It’s time we all get over the “too busy” lie that we tell ourselves from time to time… or in some cases, all the time.
Let’s look at what really keeps us “busy” like checking email and Facebook, being obsessive over wanting to know what’s going on instantly. Seriously, how many times per day do you grab your phone and check Facebook?
It might scare you how often you really are checking it.
If we aren’t careful, we can all fall victim to it.
How many days have you been “busy” while getting nothing done at work?
Maybe you have told yourself the following…
“I’d love to break 80, but I don’t have the time to practice.”
“I’d love to learn to play the guitar, but I don’t have time.”
“I’d love to spend more time with my kids, but I don’t have the time.”
Who are we, Donald Trump?
This mindset is one I had for many years.
How much time do you need to “make” for the things that are important to you,
your health, and your family?
First of all, ask yourself WHY you don’t have the time?
Why can Trump run a billion dollar corporation and still have time to host a
TV show?
Some people will read this and think they’re different, their situation is unlike
anyone else’s, they’re the unique snowflake that their mom told them they
were growing up.
It’s that kind of bullsh*t you tell yourself holding you back from realizing your
full potential.
Recently, I met a friend to play golf and we talked about why our other buddy
couldn’t make it. He is stuck in the busy trap and thought that by skipping out
on us he would get more done. He won’t.
I’ve been there and done that myself and I understand the mindset.
How can you commit to playing next Tuesday after work with your buddies
when you don’t know what types of work emergencies may come up?
Your buddies will always be there.
Until they are not.
Just like your hobbies (golf, exercise, rebuilding that classic car in your
You’ll always regret not taking surfing or golf lessons.
So how do you break free?
Accept the fact that most people who work 8 to 12 hours per day only get
about 4 quality hours of productive work done. Time Ferris wrote about this
in his masterpiece “The 4-Hour Work Week.” Read it.
Then start to batch tasks and use a tight schedule to increase your productivity.
Set your three most important tasks each morning and don’t get distracted until
they’ve been completed.
This means…
… don’t check email.
… don’t check text messages.
… don’t check Facebook.
Stop the obsessive (let’s call it what it is) checking in and measuring. Limit
how many times you check email per day.
Delegate and outsource what you can, even the small things.
Like writing your own workouts. That’s a waste of time. Outsource to a
seasoned professional (me). That’s what thousands of golfers do as members of
the GetGolfFit nation.
That way there’s no second-guessing and obsessing over it. You get brand new,
expertly written golf fitness programs each month and it frees up more of your
day to live the life you want…
… so you’re not wasting time trying to piece together some frankenstein
workout from reading 47 different expert’s websites or DVD’s.
The more you can take off your plate, the more time you “free” up to spend
on all the things you thought you were “too busy” to do.
Christian “time to make the donuts” Henning
PS- A great way to jump start fat loss and improve your golf game at the
same time is through my Shed Pounds to Shave Strokes workout system.
Even Robert Phillips (How to Break 90 Co-author) has lost 15 pounds in
just three weeks on the program. I’ll be posting his before and after pictures as
well as his case study very soon.