I remember coming back to golf after giving it
up for over 5 years.
My swing was like an unbalanced tornado.
Lacking the proper conditioning, balance, and
power.. I swung as hard as I possibly could to
get distance.
The only problem… I was hitting it shorter
than ever and often losing my balance… and
I’ll tell you how I fixed all of those issues later
in this article.
Balance is power.
Even Phil Mickelson hired a martial artist
expert to train him… for balance. Phil knew in
2001 what many golfers are now just
Lefty knew that if you swing out of balance,
you lose distance… you lose control.
In Lefty’s business, control and distance are
But no matter how strong you are, you won’t
be able to deliver all your power to the ball if
you are off balance.
Being off balance during your swing can be
caused by…
…poor core and leg strength.
…poor proprioception skills.
…swinging too hard to make up for lack of
power… among other things.
The good news is… you can do something
about all of them.
So how do you improve your balance while
also strengthening your body?
Do the right workouts. Do the right drills
(I’ve listed one that helped me below).
You can regain your balance just like Kevin L
“I started the program two weeks ago and have
to say I’m very impressed. You can feel from the
start that it is golf specific. I’ve already lost 9 lbs.
In hitting balls on the range it’s always tough to
assess distance but I can tell you that my
balance is much better which is making my ball
striking more consistent. I’m playing this
weekend so we’ll see about the distance but
simply from a fitness, weight loss perspective I
feel like a million bucks. Give it a try – for this
price it’s a steal.”
It’s simple when you use a well-crafted golf
specific workout like the ones I design (and
use the drill listed below).
In fact, I’m making you an offer you can’t
refuse (in my Godfather voice)… get ALL of
my programs for just $27, PLUS get all of
the workouts I release for the next 12 months
at no cost.
==> Ends tonight: VIP Golf Fitness
Membership (get ALL my programs for just $27)
But remember, this deal ends TONIGHT.
And here’s that drill I promised you…
suggested by my good friend Brent Cryer
AKA the ‘golf whisperer’. I used this exact drill
to transform my game.
[ ——– TEMPO DRILL ——– ]
1. Grab a 7-iron. Take your normal stance.
2. Narrow your feet until they are almost
3. Take a 3/4 backswing.
4. Swing at 80% of your normal power.
5. Repeat each swing until you are using
50% of your normal power.
6. Hit 5 balls with narrow stance, then 1 with
normal stance and swing.
7. Repeat until you begin to get a feel for your
perfect tempo.
Remember, you can work out all you want,
but if you are not doing golf specific workouts
that focus on the 4 Pillars of Golf Fitness, you
are losing distance AND control.
All of my workouts focus on:
1. Flexibility and Range of Motion
2. Balance (like we discussed today)
3. Strength and Strength Endurance
4. Power
Couple a good workout system with tempo
based drills and you mix a magic cocktail of
balance and power.
At the stroke of midnight, this years Masters
Special goes *POOF* and will not return until
the next Masters tournament in 2014.
==> Ends tonight: VIP Golf Fitness
Membership (get ALL my programs for just
Christian Henning, NASM-CPT, gfs, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
P.S. Take advantage of all my golf specific
workout programs as well as my pre-round
warm-up and member forum access:
==> Ends tonight: VIP Golf Fitness
Membership (get ALL my programs for just