NOTE: This is a pretty long article today.. but one worth reading if you have had difficulty in achieving your golf and fitnes goals…
Shooting lower scores is simple.
Simple does not mean easy.
The path to a lower score is unique to everyone…
Later in this post, I will reveal the 3-steps necessary for creating a blueprint for your success.
However, having a blueprint done and in front of you – and then executing that blueprint are two entirely different things….
[————————SPECIAL ALERT————————]
If you were considering buying my 30 Yards or More in 30 Days or Less.. DON’T..
At least not yet..
Tomorrow I will be offering my 30 Yards or More in 30 Days or Less program for $7.
That’s right, $7.
I want you to have a Done For You workout that’s ready to go.
No excuses, just do the workouts each day – gain more yardage.
I get email all the time from clients who have used 30/30 to win long drive contests and hit the ball further.
More importantly, I love to hear when clients have reduced or eliminated pain associated with golf.
Without a doubt, it works whatever your golf fitness goal may be…
[————————/ END SPECIAL ALERT————————]
A blueprint is no good though unless you take action…. So…
Tomorrow’s blog will include 6 Rules for Success a popular celebrity used to make his blueprint plan work and achieve greatness.
One thing is for certain, lowering your score is going to require hard work. Despite the latest technology and techniques, golfers are still struggling to lower their scores.
To make matters worse, you are bombarded with gadgets, pills, and potions promising instant results.
Why do people struggle when there are seemingly effortless ways to drop your score?
The biggest reason I see people fail is because of SOS. Shiny object syndrome. Once we banish SOS with a clear plan, we can begin to make progress.
Results follow work – There is no other blueprint.
A brilliant blueprint will fail if you don’t DO.
Taking action every single day will ensure your best chance of success.
Is failure a possibility? Of course.
But we can’t be scared of failing. Fear must not stop us from taking action each day. We all know that hard work and dedication is going to be required to achieve any goal. If you aren’t willing to stop chasing the Shiny Objects, stop reading now.
Most of us are aware that Thomas Edison took 10,0000 attempts before creating the light bulb.
Plus… he didn’t know it at the time, but Edison also invented night golf! That’s a pretty cool offshoot from his hard work and perseverance.
“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” Thomas Edison
People fail when they don’t ‘do‘.
Only by taking action every day can you hope to reach your goal.
Whatever your goal, design a blueprint and follow it to the letter.
I challenge you to grab a piece of paper and a pen and create a blueprint right now. Creating a blueprint only takes a few minutes.
Do not be obsessed with making it ‘perfect’.
As a golfer, you already know perfection is nearly impossible.
1. What is the goal for your golf game?
– Do you want to hit the ball further?
– Are you gunning for the PGA Tour?
– Do you just want to have more consistency around the green?
Everyone is different and no single approach is right for all people. Find goals that you are excited about and will work hard at.
2. What are three roadblocks that are stopping you from achieving your goal?
To help you find out some roadblocks, I’ve given a few questions to ask yourself.
– Do you have a full range of motion with your swing? Or are your shoulders, hips, or chest tight?
– Has your equipment been properly fitted to you? If it has, how long has it been? Sometimes your swing will improve or regress and you need to have it checked at least once a year.
– Swing flaws? When is the last time you scheduled a series of golf lessons. If you are truly serious, see a PGA Professional and schedule more than one lesson over the course of a few months. This type of investment is priceless in your game.
– Do you lose your temper during a round? Maybe you should consult with a sports psychologist and get that under control.
– Do you have financial roadblocks that you perceive as taking away from your ability to improve your game?
As you can see, there may be more than one roadblock in your path to a lower score. You don’t have to limit yourself to three roadblocks…
Be honest with yourself here…it will pay off in the long run.
3. What can you do to overcome the obstacles in #2?
Now that you have a list of roadblocks, build another list that will fix them.
Certainly, some roadblocks will be more difficult than others. However, that should not stop you from making dents in these roadblocks. You might not ever hit the ball 300 yards, but you might hit it 299 yards. That’s still a pretty good result and would certainly help reduce your score (if you can find the fairway)…
Problems. Solutions. Action.
Once you have your blueprint complete, implement.
#3 you list what steps you need to begin to conquer any and all roadblocks in your path.
What are you waiting for?
Don’t wait until Monday. Start today.
Get off the couch and start planning for next spring. Your golf game doesn’t have to decay just because winter is almost here.
No, you can do something about improving your game.
[————————SPECIAL ALERT————————]
But DO wait to buy my 30 / 30 program… I want you to get it tomorrow for just $7 and implement over the course of the next 30 days.
This fall, I want you dominating your golf matches and maybe even winning a long drive contest if you so choose…
[————————/ END SPECIAL ALERT————————]
After all, we only have so much time to live our lives. Time never stops.
How much time have you wasted by quitting early and not reaching your goals?
“Time never stops for no one. When it’s your time, will you be ready?” Ray Lewis
Put all of your failures behind you.. this time you will take action and succeed.
In part 2, I will reveal 6 Rules of Success a popular athlete and celebrity used to reach all of his dreams.
No money, no time, and people telling him he was crazy.
Yet, he still succeeded.
Fairways and Greens,
Christian Henning, NASM-CPT, CTT