Hey there, hope you are doing awesome. Just wanna give respect to Chris for letting me post on his blog.
So you may be wondering, “What does my fitness have to do with cheat codes?”
You see, back in the day I was into playing a lot of video games. You name it and I had it: From the original Nintendo to the Super Nintendo and yes, even an Atari.
To me it was all about the challenges the games presented. Some games would challenge you in dexterity while others in complexity.
If there was one thing apparent about all games it was that they were all about challenging you to incrementally improve your skills because as the levels of the game got harder, your skills had to develop as well.
Now I’m going to admit that, at times, I would “cheat the game”.
If I found out about some cheat code in a video game magazine I’d immediately use it and claim it’s cheating goodness. If you played video games I’m sure you can share this sentiment.
Some cheat codes gave you more lives while other made you invincible. If there was one consistent virtue about cheat codes it would be that they were all awesome.
The thing is about the fitness industry is that it is very similar to video- games in many ways:
It’s similar in the way it consistently challenges you to improve your skills either by lifting more weight or being able to complete an intense workout…
…And, fitness also has its very own set of “cheat codes” that, when used, allow you to cheat the game and hack into your own body.
Some cheat codes allow you to strategically eat whatever you want and actually BURN MORE fat. Some cheat codes allow you to melt the last 10 pounds off of your body.
While other cheat codes (like the one I’m about to share with you) will enhance all aspects of human performance and quite literally change your body’s genetics forever.
Right now, the harsh truth is you’re probably not operating at your fullest physical potential. You are being held back in one way or another by pains in your body or just experiencing an overall plateau of strength and endurance.
The other truth is that it’s NOT your fault.
The fact is that mainstream media as well as fitness experts put great emphasis on the workouts that will help you get to the body of your dreams but do a very poor job of teaching you how actually move in that body or even prime it for physical activity.
This lack of education paired with a 9 to 5 lifestyle results in nagging pains in certain areas of the body (back, shoulder and knees), weaker performance in physical activities, and a body that increasingly accelerates in age.
And I’m sure we can all agree that there is no point to looking good if you are not feeling good.
So that is why we are here today.
Today I want to share with you one of the fitness industries Ultimate Cheat Codes.
It is a body hack of gigantic proportions that is scientifically proven to INSTANTLY boost every aspect of your human performance (strength, speed, power, agility, flexibility, endurance and energy) while healing your old injuries and bulletproofing your body from new ones.
It’s a sequence that I’ve used with fast success on clients from all genders, all ages, and all types of athletic backgrounds.
It’s called the Peak Performance Formula. It’s an exact, science proven formula that will ultimately allow your body to work at it’s fullest potential every single day regardless if it is picking up a box or doing one of Chris’ workouts at the gym.
It is the key to unlocking that potential reservoir of athleticism that you so richly deserve and the best part about it is: It only takes 6 minutes to complete.
“What is it we are questing for? It is the fulfillment of that which is potential in EACH of us.
Questing for it is not an ego trip; it is an adventure to bring into fulfillment your gift to the world, which is yourself. There’s nothing you can do that’s more important than being fulfilled.
You become a sign, you become a signal, transparent to transcendence; in this way, you will find, live, and become a realization of your own personal myth.”
– Joseph Campbell “Pathways to Bliss”
So take out your notebook and a pen of paper because no matter where you are starting from, we are about show you how to reach your bodies ultimate physical potential in the time it takes to get a coffee at Starbucks.
Peak Performance Principle #1 Utilize the POWER Of Self Myofascial Release (SMR) & Massage Your Body Yo!
Self Myofascial Release is the process of massaging yourself using either a foam roller or lacrosse ball and it is by far the best way to heal your poorly functioning fascial tissue.
The best part is that you don’t need to pay a massage therapist $60 a session and up to do it.
In fact many of my clients do not feel the need to pay for massage therapists after applying the SMR techniques in the Peak Performance Formula.
The beauty of it is that can do SMR in the comfort in your own home or in the gym and it will help heal your old injuries, prevent any new ones and increase your body’s ability to lift, move, run, throw and jump.
SMR smoothes out the dysfunction in your fascial tissue so your muscles are always working at it’s best peak efficiency all day long.
When you apply SMR to your body right before any physical activity you are essentially fixing your current fascial issues, healing old adhesions and dysfunctions in the muscle and creating an environment were your body operates at its BEST.
When this happens you actually have MORE strength, speed, flexibility and power because your muscles will fire off in the way it was meant to.
You’ll also experience MORE energy than ever before because your body will be moving more efficiently FREE of any dysfunction in your muscle tissue.
At my transformation center we utilize Self Myofascial Release using a Lacrosse Ball.
Through testing we’ve found that it is an incredible tool to get deep into where the true dysfunction of your body is located (hips, glutes, posterior delts, lats and adductors)
For an idea of how to massage your body with a Lacrosse Ball see the video below:
Peak Performance Principle #2 Get Your Neuromuscular Activator (NMA’s) ON
A Neuromuscular Activator (NMA’s) is a type of warm up raises your core body temperature, wakes up your nervous system and gets your entire body prepared for any type of stress you place upon it.
Think of this type of warm up program like a “shot of espresso” but for your body.
Obviously you are aware that your body has a nervous system and after a long period of rest your nervous system needs to do certain exercises to “wake it up”.
NMA type exercises do a great job of turning on the switch for your body energizing it for the task you place in front of it.
NMA’s do another job for your body: Lubrication of your joints.
NMA’s release something into your body called synovial fluids that lubricate your joints and make them more pliable for your workouts.
You’ll notice that the warmer you hit a workout you (and your joints) will be more “ready” for the task.
NMA type of warm ups consist of full body movements that warm up, lubricate and wake up your body so that it is ready to operate at peak efficiency and the BEST part about them is that they only take 40 seconds to complete.
This is the second principle of the Peak Performance Formula and a key aspect in getting your body to perform at its best before any physical situation.
Peak Performance Principle #3 Do Dynamic Mobility Exercises to Reverse Your Age & Activate Your Dormant Muscles
This is the third and FINAL principle of the Peak Performance Formula.
Dynamic Mobility exercises are short stretches and muscle activation techniques where the main function is to give your body full range of motion as well as activate the muscles that have become dormant due to the “sitting” nature of today’s workplace.
Dynamic Mobility exercises are, and should be, an ESSENTIAL part of your workout program and, simply put, they allow your joints move freely.
Their function is to repair and regenerate parts of your body including the cartilage.
They do this by increasing your mobility through repair of your joints so you can have the range of motion you were meant to have.
MOST importantly Dynamic Mobility exercises help slow, and in most cases, REVERSE the aging of your joints through the transport of detoxifying synovial fluids into your the key areas of your body.
Want proof?
Here’s one of a multitude of research studies showing the power of doing a Dynamic Mobility program on their bodies before an actual workout.
In the study published in the Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research: (Volume 22 – Issue 4 – pp 1286-1297) had 24 NCAA Division 1 wrestlers randomly assigned either a four week Dynamic Mobility program or a static stretching program prior to preseason practices.
The study was done to determine whether a Dynamic Mobility program performed over 4 weeks positively influenced power, speed, agility, endurance, flexibility and strength compared to static stretching or no warm up at all.
Group 1 did a Dynamic Mobility program before their workout.
Group 2 did static stretching before their workout.
Group 3 did nothing.
The performance measures were done through a time period of 4 weeks.
Before starting the study they were tested on peak torque of quads, hamstrings, med ball underhand throw, 300 yard shuttle, pull ups, pushups, sit-ups, broad jump, 600m run, sit and reach test, and a trunk extension test.
After the 4 weeks the researchers found no differences in performance for the no warm up group but the findings were MORE interesting for the static stretching group.
They found that their performance actually got WORSE throughout the 4 week study.
As for the Dynamic Mobility group…
Wrestlers doing the 4 week Dynamic Mobility program saw improvements across the board in all aspects of performance including:
– Increase in quad peak torque (+11%)
– Increase Broad jump (+4%)
– Increase in sit-ups (+11%)
– Increase in pushups (+3%),
…and FASTER sprint times for the 300m shuttle and the 600m run.
They conclusively found that the Dynamic Mobility type workouts significantly ENHANCED muscular strength, endurance, flexibility, agility and anaerobic capacity.
In other words, this short program before their workouts made them BETTER athletes all around.
Dynamic mobility essentially improves the way you move throughout life. I cannot stress enough how much better mobility equates to strength and success in any physical activity you do.
For a demonstration on how to do an Neuromuscular Activator and a Dynamic Mobility Circuit then just click below:
As you can see, it’s ALL strategy and every single piece of the puzzle makes a huge difference and it takes ONLY 6 minutes to complete or just about the time you take to brush your teeth in the morning.
Just imagine boosting your strength, speed, flexibility, power and energy while making your body bulletproof to injuries in the time it takes to get a coffee at Starbucks.
That’s why I made 6 Minute Superhuman. It’s a program proven by research to reverse your age and boost your performance without the use of any pills or potions in ONLY 6 minutes.
Right now you can get these exact workouts and more for 57% OFF and as a cool bonus you’ll also get the 12 Week Rapid Fat Loss Program called 20 Minute Ninja for FREE when you grab 6 Minute Superhuman.
Next => Complete 6 Minute Superhuman Program To Reverse Your Age and Unleash Your Body’s Ultimate Potential
Dan Go