Hang on to your britches.. today’s article is part rant, part inspiration, and my view
of how we can make this world a better place.
This world of ours is full of unhappy people.
It feels like everyone is depressed, jealous, envious, greedy, and bitter…
Everyone wishes for a better life, a better golf game, more money, and to be better looking.
As a whole, people want more and want to give less to get it.
I’m sure it’s always been this way throughout human evolution…
…but it sure seems to have sped up in the past ten years.
Television has perverted our sense of reality with staged ‘reality’ shows, news programs that
focus on the negative (check out this article to see how the news can make you depressed
and anxious), and a sense of entitlement.
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TMZ, USA Today… hammer us with a stream of
advertisements, celebrity gossip (kick em when they are down), and draw our attention
away from what matters in life.
All of this information is just too much… taking it all in is a full time job. More importantly,
none of it matters… it’s just a distraction from what really matters.
Helping people.
When the big dirt nap comes for me, I don’t want my epitaph to read, “Here lies Christian,
he was an incredible Facebooker,” or “He knew a ton about golf and fitness.”
No, I want to leave a legacy behind of what really matters: My 1 Million Golfer Mission.
Give and you shall receive.
Impact lives, build relationships. Nothing else matters.
Buy the person behind you in the Starbucks drive-thru their drinks. It doesn’t take much,
but it does take effort. That one random act of kindness can spark change.
If you are a businessman, this principle can be applied to your business as well as your
life. In fact, Gary Vaynerchuk says, “Legacy is greater than currency.”
When I was younger, I wanted to be the best at everything. I would create elaborate
checklists and step-by-step plans to achieve my goals. I still do this today, but my goals
have changed tremendously in the past few years.
It’s funny how time can change your outlook on life and what makes you happy.
Recently, I connected with an old friend who is the salt of the earth. I didn’t realize what
their friendship meant until we reconnected. It reinforced to me what is important in
life: Relationships. Sometimes all you need is a new start.
I know that having great people in my life, people who inspire me, people who support
me, and people who believe in me are more than I could ever ask for and all I really need.
And today, my vision is crystal clear. I picture a golf family of you and other golfers where
we have a supportive online environment where we connect and help each other get better
at golf through fitness and skills improvement.
Stay tuned,
Christian “Someone Got Free Starbucks Today” Henning
PS – In just a few days, I’m launching the A-Game Challenge.
The aim of the A-Game Challenge is to improve your golf game through focused effort and clear goals.
The A-Game Challenge includes a golf fitness workout of the month, based on a progressive 12-month program. Each month is different and new and focuses on a specific part of your golf game.
Also included is a Golf Skills Challenge. Each month a new challenge is issued. Each Golf Skills Challenge will include drills you will perform along with a goal setting guide and tools for measuring your progress.