This week, I’m super excited to get started on a challenge I issued.
Last week as I was visiting San Diego, I made public a goal and the time-frame I wished to achieve it in. The great thing was, other golfers joined and pledged to do the same.
The Challenge: Lose 10 pounds of lardiness in 4 weeks.
In fact, Facebook fan Kristi Cates named it the “10 in 4”. Others like Steve Ellison, Stewart Black, and Rick Alliegro and many more all chimed in and joined the challenge. It’s not too late to come aboard the SS Fat Loss before it sails…
… in fact, I would love for you to join us. All you need to do is reply to this email or like our Facebook page and place a comment of your goal.
You goal doesn’t need to be 10 pounds of fat in 4 weeks…
Just make sure your goal is somewhat challenging.
Challenging, but not over-whelming (#CBNO).
Try not to over-complicate things. Keep the goal simple.
If you are reading this email and have had trouble starting, today is the day. Take off the emergency brake and begin. You don’t even need to workout today, just commit and use today and this evening to plan and prepare.
To increase my chance of success, I’ll be using the 4 Pillars of Success:
1. Planning and Preparation
Pick your workout, it doesn’t need to be perfect. The only thing that matters is you know what you are doing each day. A plan. If you need help choosing a plan, I’ve got a few below you can pick from.
My workout is going to be one that I am working on for a new project. I’ll be posting a superset from each workout on the Facebook page for you to check out.
One of my friends Lance, has lost over 200 pounds just walking every day! He started out with what he could physically do, and increased it every day. Now he walks 10 miles in a little over 2 hours. EVERY SINGLE DAY!
He even does this while traveling around the world. If he can do it, you can do it. You don’t need complex, but you do need an easy to follow plan.
2. Accountability and Social Support
Facebook has made this all too easy. I’m sharing my goals along with Kristi, Steve, and Stewart and all of our 13,000 Facebook fans. This will keep us accountable. Facebook also gives us the social support we will need. Post on our page if you need help, advice, or just want to encourage others.
3. Incentives
My personal reward for success will be: A ripped and powerful golf body.
My personal reward for failure will be: A can of dog food.
I’ve owned the same can of dog food for 4 years. Each time I unleash the can of dog food as my punishment, I succeed. The thought of it disgusts me.. but by making the challenge public, I’m being held accountable.
Giving yourself some punishment is a good idea. Punishment rewards help keep you on track and keep you aware of your daily actions.
4. Deadline
Losing 10 pounds in a month for most of us is very doable. I’m breaking my 10 pounds in to weekly increments. Each week I know I need to lose 2.5 pounds of fat (not muscle).
My Plan:
A. Nutrition. To avoid dog food, I’ll be focusing on my nutrition.
While in San Diego, I learned some very effective nutrition tips that are used with the top UFC fighters. Maintaining muscle while shedding unwanted fat is a big deal to UFC fighters. They must maintain their strength.
B. Training. Integration of progressive movements that will increase the intensity of my workouts. I will also be increasing the weights I use on my kettlebell workouts.
C. Consistency. Those who persevere through the bad times are the ones who get the six pack abs, get to go to the beach with their shirt off, and the ones who consistently crush the ball. .
Win the day, day after day…
…earn the reward, I believe in you.
Christian Henning, NASM-CPT, gfs, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
P.S. If you need a plan, you can have a complete done-for-you workout complete with nutrition guidance in about 2-minutes…