I’ve said it before but it bears repeating: Forget about getting in shape. Visualize BEING in shape.
That’s what matters.
Your game is as much mental as it is physical.
It’s all about goals. You don’t want to “get” in shape. You want to “BE” in shape.
The real trick is to get these things to work together and this is what my Shed Pounds to Shave Strokes program accomplishes.
It excites me to know that I can help improve your game because that’s my passion. What excites me more is being able to help improve your life.
So let’s talk about how we’re going to go about shaving those strokes.
Ask any professional sports trainer what their best advice is on getting fit and staying fit and see what they tell you.
They’re not going to recommend an energy bar.
They’re not going to tell you to run laps or do push-ups.
The first thing they’re going to do is ask, “Well what do you want to do?” And if you’re a quarterback, your answer will be one thing, if you’re a wide receiver it’s going to be totally different.
This is why we set goals. We don’t just circuit train or run on a treadmill.
Professional boxers jump rope and they run. A LOT. Why? To be fast and light on their feet.
But they also spend hours hitting punching bags and sparring with other boxers. Why?
Because being fast on his feet without a solid punch will not help him win the match.
You can have the strongest swing ever but if your entire body doesn’t work with that swing the ball is going nowhere. All that time spent building upper body strength may take off the pounds…
…but will it shave the strokes?
By itself? Probably not.
In short, we’re not going to waste time on ANYTHING that won’t push you closer to your goals. We’re also not going to neglect the areas that need to be worked on.
As I’ve said before, you ARE an athlete. Just because you’re not keeping up the kind of pace your average basketball player has to doesn’t mean that your situation
and needs are not significant or unique.
The quality of your game hinges on the quality of effort you put into it. And the greatest effort comes before you ever reach the course.
Being in shape and following the right exercise regimen is, in many ways even more important than how much you practice your swing.
Yesterday I told you that you would only need a few things to get started. Just so you can get an idea of what the real cost for this program will be, I’m going to tell you what you’ll need:
>>>#1. A basic set of dumbbells.
>>>#2. A stability ball.
>>>#3. A bench or chair.
>>>#4. A medicine ball.
Like I said, very common stuff, easily obtained. And if you don’t have it already it can be gotten dirt cheap from a second-hand sports store or random yard sale.
Better yet, you don’t even need dumbbells until month two of the program. So you have no excuses to not give yourself a chance.
Once everything is in place we’re going to zero in on exercises that are going to knock out fat while improving your swing.
And I’m so certain that this is going to work better than anything you tried yet I’m going to do something radical. I’m going make the same commitment to your success
that you do.
I will make sure you’re doing things right and that you are getting the absolute most out of this program as you can.
How am I going to do that? We’ll talk about it in depth later.
(once we’re clear what your own commitment is going to be)
And we’ll figure that out tomorrow since that’s when I’m going to give you a peek at the actual product and let you know what you get with it.
To a New Year and a New YOU,
P.S. If you are curious and want a bit more information on the actual program and what you get,check out the link below.
>> Shed Pounds to Shave Strokes