This article is a bit long today, but bear with me.. I think you will really enjoy how it ends.
Almost every day, I am asked the following question:
“What workout is best for me?”
I’ll make that pretty, pretty, pretty easy later on in this email for you to answer. I’ve got the PERFECT solution. In fact, I’ve got a little quiz that will help you determine your best starting point.
First, let’s dig in a bit deeper to the problem.
Picking a workout is hard… if you aren’t sure of where you are now and where you want to go.
Answering those questions is half the battle.
In reality, no two golfers will come up with the same answers.
You may have specific weak points such as a weak core and back which leads to back pain and endurance issues.
Other golfers might be in decent shape already and want to take their game to the next level. To do what the other 95% of golfers are afraid to do… work hard.
Knowing where you are is 25%.
Knowing where you want to go is another 25%.
The remaining 50%? Keep reading… more to learn before we get there.
Most golfers, like myself, want distance and to reduce the chance of injury. Other golfers may have a few pounds to lose and want to build endurance so they can enjoy the game more. Some are looking for the edge over 95% of the golfers too lazy to work hard…
Whatever the answer, a good golf specific workout is like a chain.
My workouts link to each other… one to the next.
…build a solid base, start with flexibility.. then balance.. then strength.. then strength endurance… and finally power.
Like links in a chain, all interconnected and working together.
One link creating a strong anchor point for the next link in the chain.
Maybe not.. but we can figure out where to start by asking a few questions.
What is your current state of affairs?
[ ————- WORKOUT QUIZ ————]
1. How many times a week do you exercise?
[ ] exercise 0 – 1 times a week[ ] exercise 2 – 3 times a week
[ ] exercise 4 – 5 times a week
[ ] exercise 5+ times a week
If you checked off one of the first two checkboxes, we know we need to start with a beginning program. Our base isn’t ready for the strength and power moves.
First, we start off building a solid foundation for our golf body. Once the foundation is laid, we can move on to bigger and better workouts.
Even if you checked off the last two boxes, perhaps you aren’t doing the proper condition and strength programs that will help you with golf?
Golf requires a special set of physical attributes… I would suggest starting off at an intermediate program.
Next, let’s find out what type of workouts we have been doing.
2. What type of exercise program are you currently using?
[ ] None[ ] Machines
[ ] Bodyweight
[ ] Free Weights
[ ] Bootcamp
[ ] Cardio
[ ] Yoga / Pilates / Stretching
It’s ok to check off more than one.
The truth of the matter, you need to be doing all of those except for ‘NONE and Machines’.
Everything else – needs to be built in to your workouts if you are serious about golf fitness…
…and if you aren’t currently, I’ve got a perfect solution below for you.
3. What do you want from your golf game?
[ ] Enjoy golf long in to my golden years with reduced chance of injury.[ ] Distance.
[ ] More endurance so I’m not aching by the end of 18 holes.
[ ] A competitive advantage over my lazy friends and other club golfers.
[ ] Reduce stiffness and improve my ability to swing a club.
[ ] Compete on a professional tour and / or gain a PGA club card.
Again, I hope you checked off MOST of those items.. they can all be achieved through golf specific workouts.
Remember the chain we talked about? The beginning link provides a gateway from one link in our golf fitness chain to another. Each link improving upon the last and building up to the next one.
There’s no reason you can’t achieve all of these even with varied workout techniques I use in my workout programs.
Sure, some programs are more advanced (links further down the chain)… but you need to start at the beginning to get to the end.
[ ————- /WORKOUT QUIZ ————]What workout is best for me?
25% – YOU must know where you are currently physically.
25% – YOU must know what you want to achieve.
25% – YOU must have a professionally designed and progressive workout program.
25% – YOU must be willing to put in the work.
Answer all those questions and you are on your way to success in golf.
Luckily, I can answer 25% of the above for you…
You see, I’ve designed progressive programs that all fit together. One workout links to the next. Depending on your fitness level, you could jump ahead… but it’s not recommended.
Start with the first link, move on to the next.. in 12 months, I GUARANTEE you to be in the best shape of your life.
Golf fitness not only carries over to the course, it carries over to real-life. You will feel better, look better, and be complemented.
That is… if you do the last 25% required.
YOU must be willing to put in the work.
If you are, and I think you are or you wouldn’t have read this far – then I’ve got an incredible offer for you. One time a year I lose my mind.
Master’s week.
This year, I’m offering all of my Golf Fitness workouts (links in the chain) for just $47. Crazy?
Maybe.. but I also want you to be able to move through the links we talked about. Moving from link to link to reach your goal.
I also want you to have workouts that keep you busy all year long.
==> Click here to find out how you can get ALL my golf fitness programs for $47.
This offer comes ONCE a year, British Open week. After that… it goes POOF!
And this year also includes 5 future workouts not yet wrapped up… as you know, I constantly test and create new workouts.
I try to release a new workout every two months. This gives you the ability to move on and constantly improve… to adapt.
The body generally adapts every 4 to 6 weeks.
As such, we need to keep it guessing… but still maintain the proper focus on our golf body.
So not only do you get all workouts I’ve currently created, you get 5 more links in the golf fitness chain:
==> Click here to find out how you can get ALL my golf fitness programs for $47.
Christian Henning, NASM-CPT, gfs, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
P.S. This also includes access to me personally through the Get Golf Fit forums.