The other day, I sent an email about how to
choose the right workout for your golf game. I
also received a response that I think needs to
be addressed.
Obviously, I didn’t do a very good job painting
the picture of why a golf fitness workout is
superior to other workouts… in terms of
Here’s the question I received:
“Why do you say that about weight
machines? I’ve been working out with them
for months and notice more strength and
flexible. Lost several inches around waist
along with fat weight. Have built more
muscle. Better complete turn and more power
in my swing.”
My answer?
First of all – great job for sticking to your
workout program.
Second, you would be getting better results
if you dropped the machines.
Quite honestly, I have nothing against
machines. They serve a purpose. They are a
gateway from a stable to an unstable
environment if you have never trained before.
I actually recommend people start here if
they’ve not trained before…
…for a limited time.
Machines provide a stable and safe
environment. Machines may give some
results, but they do not give the best results.
If we are spending 30 minutes in the gym, we
want to spend that time wisely and get the
most for our time? I think so.
So why aren’t machines good for golf
They are one-dimensional.
Think about a machine press.. you sit down,
grab the handles and push. This only works
the muscles involved in the press. You are
not challenging your balance, working on
rotation / anti-rotation, or power. It’s great if
you push people around though. 😉
The golf swing is a big fluid movement that
requires the ENTIRE BODY work together.
Machines are too specific (remember, I don’t
hate machines.. they just aren’t the best tool
for the job).
Machines are not ideal for our purposes.
When you swing a golf club, you are not in a
stable environment. A golf swing is the
complete opposite of stable.
You are fighting your own body to create
torque, you have to create motion for the
clubhead, then decelerate the clubhead…. all
while standing up fighting gravity itself.
That’s why all of my programs take in to
account the 4 pillars I created for golf fitness.
1. Flexibility and Joint Mobility
2. Balance
3. Strength and Strength Endurance
4. Power
Certainly, the perfect workout encompasses
all of these pillars. However, based on where
we are currently, we must sometimes pull in
the reigns and start small.
A lot of you may still be using workouts
designed by bodybuilders. While these do
provide some benefit…
…they aren’t entirely useful for golf
performance. Heck, we even use some
bodybuilding exercises in our fat loss
programs and when we find specific
We hand pick these exercises. Everything
must fit together in our program design for
golf fitness.
Golf works in several planes of motion. As
such, we need to develop an all-
encompassing program that forces us to
adapt to each of these planes of motion.
No machines…
If you are interested in the BEST and MOST
EFFICIENT golf workouts, and I think you
are or you wouldn’t have read this far –
then I’ve got an incredible offer for you.
One time a year I lose my mind.
Master’s week.
This year, I’m offering all of my Golf Fitness
workouts (links in the chain) for just $27.
Maybe.. but I also want you to be able to
move through the links we talked about.
Moving from link to link to reach your goal.
I also want you to have workouts that keep
you busy all year long.
==> Click here to find out how you can get
ALL my golf fitness programs for $27.
This offer comes ONCE a year, Master’s
week. After that… it goes POOF!
And this year also includes 5 future workouts
not yet wrapped up… as you know, I
constantly test and create new workouts.
I try to release a new workout every two
months. This gives you the ability to move on
and constantly improve… to adapt.
The body generally adapts every 4 to 6
As such, we need to keep it guessing… but
still maintain the proper focus on our golf
So not only do you get all workouts I’ve
currently created, you get 5 more links in the
golf fitness chain:
Here are just five of the NEW programs you’ll
be getting over the next 12 months:
1. Golf Fitness: Stretching for Strokes
2. Golf Fitness: Core and Abs
3. Golf Fitness: Workout Finishers
4. Golf Fitness: Endurance Evolution
5. Golf Games: Putting Edition
==> Click here to find out how you can get
ALL my golf fitness programs for $27.
Christian Henning, NASM-CPT, gfs, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
P.S. This also includes access to me
personally through the Get Golf Fit forums.