Judge Smails was an incredible slouch… that doesn’t mean you need to be.
Slouching or hunching over the ball isn’t good. In fact, bad posture ruins your consistency. Not maintaining proper posture will cause pulls, slices, tops, fat shots, embarrassment, and a loss of cash from your wallet.
You need to maintain your spine angles back and through the ball as much as possible. Properly addressing the ball and maintaining good angles ensures you provide a reliable and powerful swing.
Slouching is no bueno.
Look at the guys on tour, you won’t notice many slouchers. Generally, I can spot a good golfer on the range from their posture alone.
So what does good posture look like?
Dustin Johnson full swing showing how he maintains his posture position all the way from address to the follow through.
No one does it better than DJ when it comes to maintaining posture.
If you want power, consistency, accuracy, and a healthy lower back… it’s time to work on posture at address and then maintaining it to the end.
But hey! I’m not as athletic as DJ! How can I improve my posture?
Easy, and I’ve got you covered below. First, we need to improve your range of motion and flexibility.
There’s no sense in beating yourself up until you can achieve proper posture to begin with… and once we are able to do this physically, we can then move into honing our swing for addressing and maintaining posture.
So, you are in luck… I recorded a short video giving you three stretches to perform every day. Ideally, I would like you to perform these 7 days a week when you get out of bed and before you go to bed.
I think you will be shocked at how quickly you can fix flexibility and range of motion issues with this simplistic program.
If you are interested in improving your posture even more by adding a golf specific workout program coupled with golf skill drills, be sure to check out our Power and Distance Challenge.
…and I want to hear about your results. Be sure to comment on our Facebook or YouTube channel.