Follow These Golf Tips for a Perfect Driver Strike
Consistency starts from the ground up with the driver. Get the setup started properly and get into position to build confidence.
Foam Roll for Golf (The Fountain of Youth for Golfers)
Over the past few years I have increased my flexibility and joint mobility. This new found flexibility has funneled down to my golf swing, allowing longer drives, more endurance, and a reduction in injury.
Less But Better
At your job, have your colleagues piled job upon job on your plate until you felt like you were barely treading water? Pulled in every direction, yet making little to no progress. You feel a sense of helplessness… and eventually, you start to get burned out and believing you will NEVER get caught up. Maybe […]
Results Follow Work
Shooting lower scores is simple. Yes…..simple. Simple does not mean easy. The path to a lower score is unique to everyone… but the journey is much the same. You have to dig it out of the dirt through hard work and planning. Most people go through life without a blueprint… they stumble from job to […]
6 Rules to Lowering Your Score
Results follow work. Do the tasks at hand. Check them off every day.
Skogg’s Kettlebell Golf Circuit (for power and balance)
As promised, here is the custom kettlebell workout for golfers that kettlebell guru Michael Skogg created for you. If you missed Michael’s interview, you NEED to listen to it. He covers a lot of great info that is specific to golfers… click here to listen to the interview. There’s a TON of gems in this […]
Interview with Kettlebell Legend Michael Skogg
Yesterday, we discussed using kettlebells in your golf training. Kettlebells have many benefits for golfers, and to be honest, they haven’t been used by many of the top golf fitness instructors. That’s about to change… in fact, today we interview Michael Skogg, kettlebell expert and founder of the Skogg Method. He’s created a short circuit […]