Less But Better
At your job, have your colleagues piled job upon job on your plate until you felt like you were barely treading water? Pulled in every direction, yet making little to no progress. You feel a sense of helplessness… and eventually, you start to get burned out and believing you will NEVER get caught up. Maybe […]
6 Rules to Lowering Your Score
Results follow work. Do the tasks at hand. Check them off every day.
The Most Common Fault in Putting
The ability to achieve and sustain perfect balance is what separates the great athletes from the merely good ones. ~ Jack Nicklaus
Our Mission
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try this workout today (ring your fitness bell)
According to researchers at the University of North Texas, kettlebells showed a major boost in both testosterone and growth hormone levels. As we age, we need to do all we can to keep our testosterone and growth hormones in optimal ranges. The researchers measured guys who did just six total minutes of kettlebell swings. The kettlebell swing […]
We talkin’ bout practice! Who needs it?
The Ryder Cup was very exciting to say the least.. talk about drama.. the Cup had it. Rory getting to the golf course at the last second had me thinking about Allen Iverson… Practice?? We talking ’bout practice! Who needs practice anyway? Rory is so good he can come in last second, no warmup, and win. […]
This golf fitness blog is about one thing… helping you get the lowest score possible with the added benefits of more distance, lower putts per round, and most importantly reduction of painful golf related injuries. You’ll discover cutting edge fitness workouts, the latest scientific research, tactics, and ideas for achieving the lowest score possible for your golf game […]
Coconut Oil, Beer, Las Vegas, and a Pregnant Richard
A few years ago, Rich and I were hanging out with a golf buddy in Las Vegas. We decided to head over to the Red Rock Casino and eat at the bar of the Yard House inside of the Red Rock Casino. This place is absolutely glorious! If you like beer, check out all the […]
How to fix missing to the right or left for putting
Putting is a pretty fickle thing… Some days you really are putting for dough… The next you are throwing tantrums like a 3 year old… Putting can make you crazy. One time, Rich came up from Florida to visit and we headed out to my country club. We played 9 holes of drawback and I […]
[PODCAST] The Rust Buster Challenge
This week we launch into a full on attack plan so you can be ready for the golf season. Not only that, but start better than you did last season and pick up where you left off… Last week we discussed warming up your mind for the golf season… this week we will discuss warming […]
[HTB90] How to Finish the Hole…
Here’s a question from the mailbag… I’m 75 y/o I can hit off the tee a consistent 170-180 with an occasional 200+ however, I don’t seem to be consistent in finishing the whole. My putting is fair but could be better 1-2,3-putts pre round. My chipping and pitching is also fair. My scores run all […]
How to Groove ANY Golf Swing or Technique
This week is all about getting ready for the upcoming golf season. I’m going to deliver some real gems so you can follow along too. I just want you to be ready when the season opens up soon… the Masters theme music is already playing in my head. You’ll be getting a stretching and warm […]
[PODCAST] Golf: How to Be Ready for Golf Season on Day 1
Knocking the rust off every year seems to take forever… it’s almost as if you have gotten worse. It doesn’t need to be this way. Today’s podcast will cover how to speed up your recovery time so you start fast and improve more this season than any ever before. Neural programming, getting comfortable, and even […]
[HTB90] My biggest challenge to breaking 90 is…
Today we have a great question from Sam…several questions actually… “The biggest challenge for me to breaking 90, is avoiding the doubles on the back nine. Either I’m looking ahead (not sure what for) or just lose focus and have a few bad swings … Like chunking wedges into the green from 100 yards or […]